tamsyn adams : exhibitions and other work << back to main menu


2010 Presented at the 2010 Cultural Studies Association meeting at UC Berkeley - Racial and Ethnic Studies Division (RESD). 

2009 Live/work space as part of the Bow Arts Trust and Poplar HARCA initiative.

2008 “Nyx, a noctournal” –  journal/zine produced by MA and Phd students at Goldsmiths College, London.

Past exhibitions include:

Cape Town Month of Photography (MOP), 2005
The South African Centre for Photography, Cape Town, South Africa

eye Africa, 1999
South African National Gallery
African photography 1840 - 1998.

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in absentia, 1998
NSA Gallery, Durban
A solo exhibition of selected works.

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Red Eye, 1998
Durban Art Gallery, Durban
Exhibited in the first Red Eye show, now a monthly, multi-disciplinary arts evening with work by local and touring artists, multimedia displays and dance and performance.

BTech Exhibition, 1998
Natal Technikon, Durban
Final solo exhibition for BTech evaluation. A 3-part installation.

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Photosynthesis, Contemporary South African Photography, 1997
Touring Exhibition
Curated by South African National Gallery for the Standard Bank National Arts Festival.

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Photoworks, 1997
Curated by Suzanne Ramsenthaler.

Volkskas Bank Atelier Exhibition, 1997

Some Local Photographers, 1997
Durban Centre for Photography, NSA Gallery
Durban photographers including Angie Buckland, Paul Weinberg, Val Adamson and Rafiq Mayat.

37 Songs, 1997
Wilson's Wharf, Durban
A student-organised arts festival including fine art, fashion design, jewellery design and music.