Temple Lascelles Fyvie
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Temple Lascelles Fyvie (1868 - 9154)
As I recall

He had a presence about him, fairly austere, and I remember his place at the head of the long dining room table at mealtimes.

He spent much time in his office - down the passage at "Fyvie", first room on the right on entering from the back verandah. He was somewhat of a journalist and wrote articles to the Farmer's Weekly on progressive farming. He was the first farmer to import Aberdeen Angus from Scotland.

On occasion, usually of an evening, he would come to the large drawing room and play his concertina. The grandchildren would gather around him and dance as he sat on his pouffe in the centre of the carpet. Every now and again he would whoop, to our delight.

He played and enjoyed deck quoits and I remember him playing on the front verandah, which was marked out for the game.

(Fiona Fowler)